Friday, May 28, 2010
yowza ppl.
today is vesak day.....wuliao la.
then was going to meet up wif primary schl frenz for bball but then everyday also clash.haiyo
so mang.
yay sectional outing on2nd june.
and today had a great thunderstorm.
ohoh and some facts:
it takes me 20steps to walk from my house to the lift.
it takes me 37 steps to walk from the lift to the traffic light.
it takes me 15 steps to walk across the road.
it takes me 20 steps to walk from the other side of the road to the school gate.
total:20+37+15+20=92 takes me 92 steps to walk from my house to the schl.
ppl wake up at 5.30.
me?wake up at 6.30, bath, brush ,eat,change clothes,wadevawadeva.
and the best thing is i am not late.
haha to those who lives far away.
5:42 AM hmmm...hhhmmmmmm>
Thursday, May 27, 2010
yoooossssssssssssss ppl.
went to newyork newyork in jp today.
ha, last time i went was at suntec.
sooooooooooo llllllooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnngggggggggggg aaaaggggggggggggoooooooooooo..........
anyway, chinese cultural camp.
yeah, tot it would be damn boring.
but no, it wasnt!
but damn tiring.toaday went home and fell asleep in pe attire.tsktsk.
anyway didnt won, didnt 6th more no less.
jussss nice.
then went nyny!!
some pics i took.......
caesar salad....!its world class, claimed by nyny.

my aunt's mocha float!!!

then came my root beer choc float!!!!

and then my mum's (wadevaeva)

the salad half eaten............

and my aunts wadeva fish its called,.........

finally, my food!and wad eva chim name its called....lets just call it fish with fries.

and here's the empty salad plate......
haha byebye ppls.......................................havagoodholiday!
7:31 AM hmmm...hhhmmmmmm>
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
feeling damn tired today.
fencingfencing then basketballl then cyberwellness then basketball again
so damn tired.
fencing is wuliao to the max can.
like so boring.
the warmup took like 2hrs.
then we touched the sword for like, 0.5 hr?
5:55 AM hmmm...hhhmmmmmm>
Friday, May 21, 2010
hello ppl.
today's a friday.
morning-assembly til 8.36
half science lesson gone.
bcos a geog teacher was leaving.
and mrs ong also didnt come.
chinese was okay.
hey i got a 9th for chinese in class.yippey.:D
then recess.
then had cid
drew some weird stuff.....
then was lunch then d and t.
oh yeah thanks aaron for ur nerds.
yesh, rae i noe he very nce no need too tell me.yeah, nice until gimme one wild cherry nerd.
d and t was okay....then knew abt the e and c week sports.
cca was fellow bassist didnt come......
and injured my left leg....
yay tomoro a weekend...huzzah for that......
bye ppl................
4:25 AM hmmm...hhhmmmmmm>
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
so we didnt turn up well so?
at least we pwned 1h.
our running team also not bad wad.
oh.and the mascots.the lion thingy look abit like playman extreme that game the guy....
ohhh and
water soccer!!!!!!!!!!!!
damn fun okay.
u trying to walk and the next second u're all wet lying on the floor.
ha at least saved haowei's kick.
though it hurt.
and shyh haur juz bcos u won us doesnt mean u can say
discriminate ppl rite!!!!!
say wad 1e ppl dunno how to play captains ball.
go back home and______ ur mummy.
5:56 AM hmmm...hhhmmmmmm>
Friday, May 7, 2010
another few days.
the cid is totally funny.and retardtion la.
the commercial break also not so funny.
thn the 1j copycopy.
decided some things.
i must be crazy........
7:41 AM hmmm...hhhmmmmmm>
Sunday, May 2, 2010
sorry ppl, one whole stretch of period.
test and...stuff.
anyway things aren't going in my way, so.....
anyway gtg.extreme short post.thunder!
10:38 PM hmmm...hhhmmmmmm>